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Golf Carts for Sale in Fairhope and Orange Beach, AL

Hootie Gipson has lived and served the River Region for their entire life. He is the owner of Gipson’s Tire Pros (Located next to Cartiology) and he knows his way around vehicles. Being an avid golfer, Hootie decided to embark on a new journey, but not too far out of his wheelhouse. Cartiology is the perfect blend of his passion and the business he has been in for years. After a great deal of research he decided to partner with ICON Electric Vehicles, Vivid EV, EPIC carts, Denago EV, Legion EV, Venom EV and is quickly becoming the premier dealer for the Orange Beach, Fairhope, AL and all surrounding areas. You have trusted him to keep you safe on the road for all these years; going to work, school, grocery store, etc. In this new venture he aims to keep you on the course, around the neighborhood and moving through life in style and comfort.
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Orange Beach

25856 Canal Rd
Orange Beach, AL


506 Fairhope Ave
Fairhope, AL

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Spanish Fort

55555 Canal Rd
Spanish Fort, AL